In this video I discuss how I manage not to get burnt out with working on mix after mix after mix. I try to add…
In this video I discuss what 3 things I wish I knew when I started Audio Animals. This business grew at the perfect rate into…
In this video I discuss what analogue hardware you need to produce music. The answer may shock you but it’s 100% honest and true to…
In this video I discuss at what age I recommend starting an audio company. I go into detail about my own experiences and why 2…
In this video I discuss how we are able to keep our rates so much more affordable compared to other studios. There are many factors…
In this video I discuss what limiter plugins I use whilst mixing music in stereo and Dolby Atmos. There are a few factors that come…
In this video I discuss what compressor plugins I use whilst mixing music in stereo and Dolby Atmos. There are a few factors that come…
In this video I discuss what reverb plugins I use whilst mixing music in stereo and Dolby Atmos. There are a few factors that come…
In this video I discuss what stereo widener plugins I use whilst mixing music in stereo and Dolby Atmos. There are a few factors that…
In this video I discuss what saturation plugins I use whilst mixing music in stereo and Dolby Atmos. There are a few factors that come…