n this video I open up and take a look inside the new Hum Audio N-Closure 2. The build quality of all Hum Audio devices is incredible. You will notice in the N-Closure 2 there isn’t a lot going on and it actually shocked me. Everything looks to be packed into the board on the front panel. Hum Audio designs works of art for us audio engineers. And the N-Closure 2 is no exception.

Fully inline design with Mic/Line and Tape inputs for each channel, swappable between main, and rotary faders. Tape Input has an additional 0/+6/+12dB Gain switch.
High-end discrete Mic/Line/Instrument preamp (0dB to +66dB) based on the legendary Jensen JE990, perceived as the best discrete opamp ever designed. N-Trophy’s preamp design is also based on our flagship RP-2 preamp, which proved itself to be one of the best-sounding preamps you can find anywhere. Excellent, vital and musical sound with a lot of details and a sense of „space” for demanding instruments.
Switchable custom made HUM Audio Devices beautifully sounding input transformer.
Tweakable Saturation / THD stage with lots of creative sound shaping possibilities. Choose type between ASYMMETRICAL (Germanium / Silicon) or SYMMETRICAL (Soft / Medium / Hard). Switchable custom made HUM Audio Devices beautifully sounding input transformer.
DRY / WET BLEND knob for channel insert allows for parallel signal processing.
Channel Direct Output with source selector and output level for recording processed, or unprocessed sound.
Channel processing ORDER rotary switch allows to set order of built-in EQ, Compressor and Insert.
Channel Meter Source rotary switch (Preamp Out, Tape In, Channel Out, EQ, Compressor, Gain Reduction).
TUBE OPTICAL Compressor / Limiter: Innovative detection and compression circuits. Variable transition between compression and limiting with a dedicated knob. You can switch off compression, but still drive the tube, or turn off the tube to save its life. – BLEND knob for dry/wet processing. – L/R stereo link between adjacent channels. – Side Chain filter and external KEY input. – AUX 7 & AUX 8 can serve as Compressor sidechain busses, for modern creative compression techniques
Independently switchable passive Low Pass & High Pass filters.
Passive EQ with separate Boost and Cut frequency knobs. Total of 6 bands: HI, MID and LOW. HI and LOW bands can be switched between shelf / peak characteristics. This is an original design of EQ, hard to find anywhere else, and with a special purpose. With gentle overlapping curves for fast and creative sound shaping with lots of musicality.
EQ, HPF and LPF filters use rotary switches, so their settings are easily recallable. Thanks to it multiple channel EQs are perfectly matched to have the same characteristics.