We are pleased to announce the launch of our new website and along with that an overhall and update to all our VST instruments. Each instrument has been built into a sleek new GUI (pictured below) which is uniform across the entire range.

New Features Include:
- Highpass filter
- More in depth reverb control
- Delay with sync
- Drive / saturation
- Reprocessed samples
- Compatibility updates
- 24bit wav samples included
- Load other banks from one VST
- Host sample library off external hard drive
- Visual image of the instrument
The updated versions can be downloaded from your Audio Animals account. As this is a new website, you will be required to create a new account. Once your account is created we can deposit your sample packs and VST’s into your account. To do this you will need to place an order, so that there is an order to deposit your updates into. So what we have decided to do is request that everyone who has previous ordered sample packs get in contact with us via the form on this page below. We will then issue you a £19.99 coupon that will allow you to purchase any of our VST instruments or sample packs of your choosing free.
Please note some VST instruments and sample packs have been bundled together. The good news is, if this is the case and your VST or sample pack is no longer available as a singular product. We will deposit the complete bundle into your account. This way you get your singular product you previously purchased plus some extras you did not.
We recommend taking advantage of this offer as it will mean not only that you have the latest version of the VST that ensures compatibility with the latest OS and DAWs, but also that you are able to access your products you have paid for and download them at any time. There is no time limit do this, so please get in contact with us when you are ready.
Features Removed:
- Kontakt instrument
We have decided to move away from the Kontakt instrument format as the VST is a much better host and does not require our users to use the full version of Kontakt to use it.
How Apply To Get Your Free Update:
Simply click the button below and follow the instructions on the Account Recovery page. It is a simple process that will take you only a couple of minutes.