True Iron is subtle, it is only going to blow you away if you know what you are listening for. Some listeners won’t hear a difference and others will hear a big difference. Either way there is a difference and that difference has always been hard to achieve in the digital world. I feel at £40 this plugin is priced correctly. It’s simple and doesn’t have too much functionality. But the one thing it does, it does incredibly well. I have lots of analogue equipment with some of the best transformers built into them. The plugin doesn’t replace them, but what it does do is give me an option in the box to add that special tone I get so easily out the box.

For me when listening to the pop demo the song almost sound polished and finished when active. The lows become full, the vocals sound much more polished and professional. You can really hear a sense of stereo image when the True Iron is active on the pop demo.
Pop – 108X
Pop – 4001B
Pop – V178
Pop – 111C
Pop – 1166A
Pop – 0-12

When listening to the electronic demo with the True Iron off the vocal sound dull and displeasing to the ear. True Iron lifts the vocals and give them an added sense of stereo image. When focusing on the kick you hear a fullness that is lacking in the original when True Iron is bypassed.
Electronic – 108X
Electronic – 4001B
Electronic – V178
Electronic – 111C
Electronic – 1166A
Electronic – 0-12

When listening to the hip hop demo focus on the trumpets as you switch through the different transformers. The increased harmonic content increases the presence and overall clarity. The weight in the low end is also a great indicator of what the True Iron plugin is doing. The added depth of full weightiness can really be heard as well as felt through the sub.
Hip Hop – 108X
Hip Hop – 4001B
Hip Hop – V178
Hip Hop – 111C
Hip Hop – 1166A
Hip Hop – 0-12

When listening to the chilled demo listen out for the change in the soft vocals. Hear how they lift off the page and feel like they become full of life. The guitars also are a good indicator of an enhanced stereo image. The guitars sparkle and feel overall more alive and pleasing to the ear.
Chilled – 108X
Chilled – 4001B
Chilled – V178
Chilled – 111C
Chilled – 1166A
Chilled – 0-12